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W. , @. $. &e, and 0. , 09SV*)9$' >90&&)**+&' 0&' .0)9E' 0&' :*&&"D9(*), *9*%">09' ,**9&' 0#$' 345S &*9;,"*#&' &-*;9$' D.' .+:9*0>-.)&'0).'(0+"9"0, p.0

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*. #. #+, #>)0&"#%9E'*((.)':*&&"D"9

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>. *. >btb-'!-*-)-'"-#& and 0. G. , &' :*&&"D9.' ,*' 9.0)#' P*>0D;90)E'"#',-.'V0, 0#,B'3-.&.'.[0+:9.&'09).0$E'.+:-0&"b##.>,' (*)+09' 0#$' "#(*)+09' .$;>0,"*#B' 7.&.0)>-' "&' #..$.$' ,*' D.,.)' ;#$.)&,0#$' ,-.' "+:0>,' *(' +*D"9.' ,.>-#*9*%

&. #%-'#, 09SV*)9, #%.B' 6#*,-.)' >-099.#%.' V"99#>).0&"#%9E' ,0N.' :90>.' "#' V*)N"#%' 9"(.B' 3.>-#*9*%E' Q.B%B' ).>*++.#$.)' 0#$' 0$0:,0D9.' &E&, pp.0-9

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I. *. Ccwtb, 7.&.0)>-' I)"*), +>(#(&)$3+/-+9($3

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<. %. &e and 9. , 53&2'43&E,# is needed to promote this type of learning without reducing 2347'43, #35#-"53&2'(#.%P"$.9

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W. #j3&t#+&-'e4e% and . #&%f0-&%#-'#e3-"-?, 3J(%1$%#1#/,%#'EF0-.-43"# of new skills. Increasingly, the evidence about an individual's +&3$&%, #J-((#A%#0.%1#/3#-1%"456#/,%# user's current knowledge and will inform and support their workplace learning, p.31

-. D&, 3"9*)5&+*:%#)*;&#95<)= Other members of the STELLARNET Delphi team -#)>$?, #*1.+)$23)1/3A$E++)$F)*93,-8#A$ +1$-+<$0)3*-$I-)+<3), p.5

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