*. La8_note_interventions and . Environment=-{e_synthesis, E_Teditor} *Complete on user choice LA9_Negociate_synthesis * Environment= {E_Synthesis,E_Teditor } * Complete if time = 10

*. La10_present_synthesis, =. Environment, and . Synthesis, E_Teditor } * Complete if time = 10

*. Sa1_introduce, =. Environment, and . {e_proceedings}, Complete on user choice SA2_Assign_reporter * Environment = {E_Synthesis} * Complete on user choice * When completed P_Reporter = True SA5_Regulation * Environment = {E_Forum} * Complete on user choice

*. Ga4_debate, *. Selection, *. Debateao, and . Debateoa, Complete on user choice Environments E_Proceedings * Learning object = LO_Proceedings E_Chaoter32 * Learning object = LO_Chapter32 E_Synthesis * Learning object = LO_Synthesis E_Forum * Service -Conference = S_Forum Method Piece: Acts: Act1: Partition

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